Real Estate & Advisory Services
(636) 305-0600
We are now in our 40th Year of providing High Quality and Personalized Boutique Commercial Real Estate Service & Consulting, Specializing in Commercial Estate Brokerage, Sales & Leasing, Commercial Property Management, Buyer & Tenant Representation, Real Estate Development & Construction, Consulting and Investment Management, Ad Valorem Tax Consulting and Unbiased & Reliable Arms Length Commercial Real Estate Appraisal & Valuation Services. We provide Client Representation and Faithful Performance in our Brokerage and Brokerage Consulting Work, OR BY CONTRAST, Unbiased and Independent Services in our Real Estate Appraisal & Appraisal Consulting Work. Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting Work is kept completely confidentlal and separate from Real Estate Brokerage, Management, Sales & Leasing Services. We serve Missouri & Illinois from offices in Suburban St. Louis County, Missouri. OUR BROKERAGE EXPERIENCE AND MARKET KNOWLEDGE MAKES US BETTER APPRAISERS, AND OUR APPRAISAL TRAINING & SKILLS MAKES US BETTER BROKERS. The various main business lines are separate, distinct, yet, complementary.
Our Various Services:
With experience in all aspects of commercial real estate services, we can help you and your business achieve your commercial real estate property or commercial real estate investment goals, and avoid the unnecessary pitfalls and risks associated with this complicated and financially challenging industry. If you seek to buy or lease a commercial, manage a property you already own, or wish to profitably expand or maximize your real estate investment holdings, we are your single-source for ethical, honest and high quality services. As small commercial services firm, you will be dealing directly with the owner and principal, so your valuable business, concerns and properties will not be assigned to a young (or old) inexperienced or green-horn real estate agent, learning about the real estate industry at your expense.
We cover the complete spectrum of commercial real estate services: brokerage, sales/leasing tenant and buyer representation, property management, commercial and land development, tenant-finish and commercial construction, ad valorem tax appeal consulting, financing and investment analysis, 1031-Exchange assistance, and real estate investment counseling. These types services typically DO NOT INVOLVE AN APPRAISAL OR A VALUE OPINION.
We also have a very skillful and high-quality commercial real estate appraisal and valuation advisory services practice. In some situations you, or your business, may need impartial, unbiased, third party opinions of value, highest and best use, and appraisal consulting. Where these services involve the determination of a value opinion, range of value or value conclusion, these are services in the realm of Appraisal Services. Jeffrey Johnson is an extremely skillful and experienced Commercial Appraiser and Valuation Advisor, so we can provide these services when appropriate.
We do not claim to be the ultimate oracle of all real estate knowledge; but we have 37+ years of dedicated commercial real estate experience, 1000's of sold and leased properties, 1000's of satisfied clients, 1,000's of properties appraised, dozens of properties managed and re-positioned (work out and stabilization of troubled commercial properties is one of our specialties), so if we don't know the immediate answer, we definitely know who to ask. We have a track record of taking marginal properties ad create millions of dollars of earned equity through proper management and brokerage.

Services 1. Commercial Sales & Leasing:
This part of our website is still under construction. When complete you will be able to follow a link to 100;s of picture of properties we have sold and leased, including many happy buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords.

Services 2. Property Management & Investment Advisory Services:
This part of our website is still under construction, when finished you will see pictures of several properties we have manged into profitable real estate investments, some for clients who could barely spell the word real estate. We will tell you about investors we helped roll a few thousands dollars of investments (or money losing properties) into gains of millions of dollars over a decade, decades or only a few years (including turning $4.5 million into $9 million, and $500K into $5 million dollars).

Services 3. Appraisal Services & Valuation Consulting:
This part of the site is still under construction. When complete we will include appraisal industry terminology and theory descriptions, we will explain FIRREA & USPAP and the Valuation Industry in general, and we will tell you about the three types of commercial appraisals we provide, and our high value residential and farm and recreational land appraisal services. We will tell you about AQB, ASB, USPAP and the Appraisal institute, and the rigorous training, testing and experience required to become a competent commercial appraiser.
​This will include detailed resumes on our General State Certified Appraiser and his experience and types of properties appraised in MO, IL, TX, TN, and AR, and other states across the country by potential reciprocal or temporary licensing.